More Meditations for You
Two new meditations are available to you. One is related to grief and loss and the hard emotions that accompany it. Also, some time is...
Pride - Love Always Wins
I just completed this painting. It was originally going to be a background for another painting. This time, the painting chose its path....
Work in progress
I'm still working on the painting on the left, Whole & Plentiful, Star Child. I will paint two more in the series. It's fun to see the...
Dingy and Outdated
Post 2 – Continuation of Denial (A.K.A. Being in the Dark) Verses a Positive Attitude We block our own light by failing to identify...
Next, "Star Child - Whole and Plentiful"
Here is the start of my next painting. She will be filled with the universe, stars, planets, nebula, etc. This is a reminder that we are...
I Am the Sunshine (and so are you)!
Artist: June Blunk Title: I Am the Sunshine 24” x 48”, acrylic on wrap around canvas A great opportunity justly befalls us when we...
Denial (A.K.A. Being in the Dark) Verses a Positive Attitude
The first post of a series about healing and creating a better life. I write about what I have experienced and how it helped me find a...
Let Love Have Its Way With You
I started my next painting. Still more to go. This painting is about letting love lead the way. It asks that we remember what is most...
The Guardian
This is my latest painting. The Guardian: Mixed media, acrylic on a wood panel with lots of texture, sparkles and iridescent paint, the...